Lead Forming

Lead Forming

GPD Global Axial and Radial precision lead formers have been industry standards since the 1980s, consistently outperforming and outliving the competition.

With a big sector push for automation of conventional through hole assembly, preparation of components to support manual placement lines has never been so important. Investment in component lead formers reduces the skills required and labour needed as well as increasing throughput therefore optimising the through hole assembly process. 


Established in


Taped Components p/h


Loose Components p/h


Repeatability in mm
Scienscope- AXC-800
GPD Lead Forming Systems

The CF-8 for Axial components and the CF-9 for taped Radial components are capable of forming a variety of forms including flushmount, standoff, and lock-in (dependent on inserted dies). The CF-10 handles 2- to 7-leaded Radial components in bulk or loose form and is capable of a variety of forms including flushmount, standoff, lock-in, and spread forms.

  • CF-8 for Taped or Bulk Axial component lead forms 
  • CF-9 for Taped Radial component lead forms
  • CF-10 for Bulk and Loose Radial component lead forms 

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